In the latest installment of our Columbus Creatives: A Day in the Life series, we talk with Daniel Baca, a Digital Marketing Strategist with an entrepreneurial spirit who loves to get involved in the community and meet fellow creatives in Columbus.
Hello everyone! My name is Daniel Alejandro Baca and here’s a little bit of my story! I was born in Mexico and grew up with an entrepreneurial spirit. After finishing middle and high school in Texas, I moved to upstate New York for college and landed in Columbus two years ago. I am currently a Digital Marketing Strategist for Ladybug Design, where I truly enjoy my job and love how every single day there is a new challenge to be conquered.
My mornings usually start pretty much the same: hear my alarm, snooze a bunch of times, then turn on some EDM music while I shower to energize me for the day. I will have a fruit and veggie smoothie for breakfast and turn on my favorite podcast, How I Built This, on my ride to work. There is nothing more motivational than listening to business owners and successful CEOs talk about how they got where they are today. By the time I get to work I have a mind filled with ideas that my boss loves hearing about, to help us grow her business.
In the afternoons, I work on implementing business strategy and focus on our digital efforts. I manage all our social media profiles, optimize paid ads, and build plans for our website and content. The day isn’t over yet, now I have to figure out opportunities can we take advantage of to drive more business and really get our name out there! Sounds like a lot, but we have such a lighthearted culture in the office, for the most part, I’m teasing my boss and having a good time.
My evenings tend to be a continuation of my day, as long as I can keep the momentum going. I just can’t stand still, so once I am done with work I try to find other projects to work on, meet people, or just find any excuse to leave the house. I love being active so I play soccer several times a week. I am a volunteer for the American Marketing Association so I try to go to most of their evening events and connect with successful people in the area that can teach me how to improve myself every day. My goal is to really live every single day as if there was no tomorrow and make every day count!