Portfolio is excited to offer our associates another great way to stay connected to us- via text messaging. This service will allow interested associates to receive instant notification of a new project in the works.
The message will be short and to the point. It will read “Job Alert from Portfolio, please check your email for a full job description”. If you are a current associate, and you’d like to take advantage of this, it’s easy to sign up. Send a note to jennifer@portfoliostaffing.com with your carrier name and verify your ten digit cell phone number. Standard text messaging rates will apply.
The message will be short and to the point. It will read “Job Alert from Portfolio, please check your email for a full job description”. If you are a current associate, and you’d like to take advantage of this, it’s easy to sign up. Send a note to jennifer@portfoliostaffing.com with your carrier name and verify your ten digit cell phone number. Standard text messaging rates will apply.