Misclassification of Independent Contractors is Risky Business

By Kristen Harris More opportunities for independent and remote work also means more opportunities to run afoul of employment law. There are a growing number of people who are interested and open to flexible work options and, understandably, companies want to take advantage of their skills and talents. Upfront disclaimer: I am not an attorney or legal professional. This is general information only; be sure to consult with your own legal, tax and employment experts. Okay, back to the topic… Businesses are utilizing a wide range of arrangments, to get

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Will New Tax Laws Mean More Independent Contractors? It Depends.

By Kristen Harris Recent changes to US tax law have started a whole new round of conversation about independent contractors. The line of thought is that some of the provisions will cause many more people to leave their jobs and work independently. Is that true? Maybe. Like most things, it depends.  First of all, let’s be totally clear…I am not an attorney, accountant, or tax law expert of any sort. This is purely my opinion and reaction to recent conversations and articles. Now, back to the topic. Will these changes

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