Why You Should Tell Your Team to Take a Break and Go Outside

By Emma Seppala and Johann Berlin for the Harvard Business Review Wellness programs are becoming an integral priority for most human resource managers. After all, research shows that a happier workplace is more productive. To this end, workplaces are adding health-related perks from exercise rooms to yoga classes. Leaders participate in mindfulness and compassion trainings and are coached to learn emotional intelligence. However, there is one important wellness factor that many are forgetting even though it may be the most potent of all: access to green spaces. Greenery isn’t just an air-freshener

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Change Your Life By Helping Other Lives

By Catherine Lang-Cline Let’s be honest. Sometimes after doing everything that you need to do to keep your own life on the rails, it seems that you are too tired to help another individual, or there’s simply, not enough time left in the day. But that’s not true, you’re just thinking too big. You can start helping others and in return, start to reap more happiness in your own life. When I was growing up, my family didn’t have much. My parents stretched their one income to cover themselves and

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