Interview Etiquette–Take Two

Shud U B Concerned? R U at Fault?

The first part of this survey report showed some areas where what the interviewer expected was different from the behavior of some candidates. (Answering your cell phone in an interview? Seriously people.) This second part shows some interesting insight into expectations job seekers have that interviewers may not live up to as well.

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Interview Etiquette–Take One

Thx for the Iview! I Wud [Luv] to Work 4 U!! 😉

This recent article posted on HR Daily Advisor caught my eye. Mainly focused on a survey about interviewee behavior, and focused towards HR people, it provides excellent insight for job seekers. Reading the answers about what interviewers prefer versus what applicants do, you get a good picture of the situation from the their mindset. Knowing what that person sitting across the table from you might be thinking is powerful.

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