Hiring and Employment: Change is Here

By Kristen Harris Growth is one of our company values at Portfolio Creative – we are always learning, improving, and adapting. In the spirit of growth, I recently attended the American Staffing Association’s Staffing World Conference. It’s important for us to stay on top of employment and hiring trends so we can provide the best possible service to our clients and talent. Here are the highlights of what we heard at this year’s conference. Top Five Trends: Gig Economy and Free Agency. Depending on which report you read, something like

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How Much is Enough?

This topic has come up a few times in recent conversations and on blogs, maybe it’s recessionary soul-searching or practical belt-tightening. It comes back to why you work–not why you do what you do, but why you work at all. To buy stuff. And how much stuff do you really need? If you could have less but work less, would you do it? If you could work really hard for a few years and save enough to not work for a while, would you? The Millenials
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