The 3 Things Employees Really Want: Career, Community, Cause

By: Lori Goler, Janelle Gale, Brynn Harrington, and Adam Grant for the Harvard Business Review  Strike up a conversation about work values, and it won’t be long before someone brings up a pyramid — a famous psychologist’s best-known theory. Abraham Maslow’s big idea was that we all have a hierarchy of needs: once our basic physiological and safety needs are fulfilled, we seek love and belongingness, then self-esteem and prestige, and finally self-actualization. But that pyramid was built more than half a century ago, and psychologists have recently concluded that it’s in

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Hiring: Plan Ahead, Ideal Fit Takes Time

By Kristen Harris “Never make a decision until you have to.” – Randy Pausch As hiring managers and job candidates, we’re all looking for an Ideal Fit. Whatever term you use to describe it, we all want to find someone who is a good fit for our team, or a work opportunity that feels “just right”. If you’re not sure how to assess an Ideal Fit, check out our article Hiring: What’s an “Ideal Fit”? Finding the Ideal Fit takes time. It’s not something you can rush through, yet we’re

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Are Job Interviews A Waste of Time?

By Catherine Lang-Cline If you are meeting with too many people or you are hiring people only to find out that they are not the right fit, your time is better spent doing something else. So are job interviews a waste of time?* Sometimes… We have a few proven tips to help ensure that your next experience interviewing yields the right results.   Don’t oversell the job. As a business owner I have been guilty of this. It’s easy to be overly enthusiastic that someone is interested in working for you

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Hire People That Believe In What You Do

By Catherine Lang-Cline If you have ever had to hire anyone in the past, you know that there are many people that will apply. You need to find the right fit. The easy way to find a good candidate is to find someone that matches the skill set that you want. Look at the resume and check off each skill from the list. But that rarely results in a great candidate. Humans are an intelligent species and typically a person can be taught a skill. It may vary as to

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Gauge The Fit Before You Commit

By Kristen Harris “Fit” seems to be something we’re always looking for–whether we’re seeking a love interest, career options, or a new pair of jeans. Cinderella’s glass slipper fit only her dainty foot. When Goldilocks checked out the dwelling of the three bears, one bed was too big, one too small, and one was just right. Not only found in fairytales, “just right” is an important factor in finding the right kind of work as well. But what exactly does “find the right fit” mean when it comes to job

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Unicorns and Leprechauns: Stop Waiting for the Perfect Candidate

By Kristen Harris Quick quiz…which of the following really exist? a. Unicornsb. Leprechauns c. Purple Squirrelsd. Perfect Candidates Sorry, it’s a trick question. The correct answer is “e. None of the above.” Just like unicorns and leprechauns, no matter how strongly you want to believe, perfect candidates simply don’t exist. No single person has all of the skills you want, the specific years of experience you desire, fits smoothly into your culture, gets stellar reference reviews, positively impacts your business from day one, and wants to be paid exactly what you’re offering.  I hear you protesting—you

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