Kondo Your Career: Tidying Up Your Work Life (it could be magic!)

By Kristen Harris A few years ago Marie Kondo wrote a little book about the “life-changing magic” of tidying up your home, which gained popularity and spiraled into a Netflix series. Now it seems like everyone I know is “tidying up”. The word “Kondo” has even morphed into a verb. Friends of mine have said ”…last week I Kondoed my kitchen…” or “I spent all week Kondoing…” In fact, just last night I Kondoed my tee shirt drawer (she was right, they’re easier to find when folded into little squares).

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Workplace Culture: It’s a Reflection of Who You Are

By Kristen Harris  “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” (or lunch).  This relatively common quote is often attributed to management guru, Peter Drucker, although it’s not really clear who actually said it. Really, it doesn’t matter who said it first, now people say it all the time.  But what does it really mean?What IS culture? And why is it so important? While there are plenty, here is my definition of workplace culture: the set of norms your company and employees live by, otherwise known as “what happens when no one is looking”.

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How Much is Enough?

This topic has come up a few times in recent conversations and on blogs, maybe it’s recessionary soul-searching or practical belt-tightening. It comes back to why you work–not why you do what you do, but why you work at all. To buy stuff. And how much stuff do you really need? If you could have less but work less, would you do it? If you could work really hard for a few years and save enough to not work for a while, would you? The Millenials
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