Have a burning career question? Have you hit a wall in your career search? Want to try LinkedIn or Twitter and not sure how to get started? Need to figure out how to state something on your resume? Use your 15 minute micro coaching session anyway you want to fit your career transition need.
The first 25 people to email Sharon at permanentink@insight.rr.com will be scheduled for a free 15-minute telephone micro-coaching session. When you e-mail, include FREE MICRO-COACHING in the subject line, include your name, e-mail and telephone number and choose one of the following time blocks (she will confirm your 15-minute session via e-mail):
· Monday, February 2, 5:00-7:00 p.m., EST
· Wednesday, February 4, 10:00 a.m.-noon, EST
· Thursday, February 5, noon-2:00 p.m., EST
Include your question or issue in the e-mail to can maximize your micro-coaching session.