Social Media Brings Us Together

One school of thought claims social networking via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the like are just an excuse to hide on a computer and not meet “real people”. Definitely old-school thinking; in reality these tools can help bring us together both online and in-person. People are social beings, and with all of these great ways to find and connect with each other, our world is becoming more social rather than less. Of course I realize I’m preaching to the choir, if you’re reading a blog you probably are somewhat involved in this world of online connection already. But I only recently got more involved with a few of these platforms, and am surprised by some of the results.

Some connections are purely online, which is to be expected. The surprise for me has been how online interactions can lead to in-person connections, often reaching a much wider audience than any one person could directly. Tweet-ups bring people together in real life who previously only knew each other online. Dating sites help people meet each other who never would otherwise. People find old friends (and sometimes romances) through Facebook. Organizations offering training or events can spread the word quickly to a large and more diverse audience. Initial meetings online can lead to meaningful in-person interaction.

A few examples:

Ryan Morgan is organizing a fund-raiser for a business hurt by the Grandview fire via Twitter.

Fuse Factory can quickly promote their training offerings, which are passed on from friend to friend.

People from high school that I haven’t seen or heard from in over twenty years are now friends on Facebook.