60 Seconds and You’re Hired: Interview Tips that Work

By Kristen Harris This is it! Showtime. Your interview is scheduled, you’ve taken the time to prepare, and are confidently walking in the door, ready to go. Now it’s time to show them what you’ve got. If you haven’t quite prepared for the interview yet, check out part one of this series— You’re Hired: Five Tips to Prepare for a Great Interview. Put yourself in the interviewer’s shoes for a moment. For one reason or another, there’s an open role on their team. They have a problem, and think you

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You’re Hired: Five Tips to Prepare for a Great Interview

By Kristen Harris You have an interview! Maybe you’re a little nervous. It probably feels like there are a thousand things to remember. Whether it’s your first interview, or you haven’t interviewed in twenty years, being prepared can help tilt the outcome in your favor. There are two sides to every interview, the person interviewing you and YOU. While it may seem like the interviewer holds all the cards, you have total control over one half of that equation. Keep in mind that you both want the same thing— for

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What are employers really looking for? Part 2

In Part 1 we talked about how important performance and behavioral skills are to our clients, based on the results of a recent survey. In a nutshell, very important.

Clients ranked “performance skills–soft skills like communication, team player, flexible, etc” an entire point higher than anything else, an average of 4.0 out of 5.0 points. This was significantly higher than technical skills, experience level, work samples or work history, all at 2.6-2.9 out of 5.0. Of those four items “work samples, examples of the

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