Networking Ninja: How Introverts Can Get the Most Out of Any Event

By Kristen Harris Some people love networking. They really like meeting new people, chatting in the grocery line, making friends on the airplane. When they walk into a room full of strangers they just see potential future friends. These people extroverts and they are not me. I like people, I really do. But I want to have the chance to get to know them, to understand who they are, what they think and where they’re coming from. I’m an introvert but I’m not anti-social. I just need to apply a

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Self-Love: Ten Tips to Take Care of Me

By Kristen Harris It’s Valentine’s Day, so who do you love? Please, please, say “me!” This is the season for love and there is no one more important to love than yourself. Yes, go get that card and sweet gift for your special someone, then get right back here and give yourself a little self-love. Not even sure what that is? To me, self-love is really about being nice to yourself, doing things that you love to do, treating yourself the way you would treat anyone else that you really

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Networking for Introverts: 10 Tips to Survive and Thrive at Events

By Kristen Harris NETWORKING. Just the word can send a chill down the spine of an introvert. When someone says, “do you want to go to this networking event?” I envision everything I hate—walking into a room full of strangers, an overload of social chitchat, needing to interrupt others to get a word in edgewise, shaking hands and handing out cards to everyone in the room, pitching my business or myself a thousand times—ugh. Let me just go home and curl up with a good book instead. If this is

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