More on Willie Jolley

I was so energized after listening to Willie Jolley speak this week! Here is a short video of his message. You can also hear him weekly on XM 169, The Power, 1-3pm on Saturdays and 7-9am on Sundays. Lastly, if you like what you hear, contact WOSU and request “Turning Setbacks Into Comebacks With Willie Jolley”. The more it’s requested, the more it will air. And the more it’s aired, perhaps, the more energized we’ll all feel–and that will be a good thing.
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Getting Through Today’s Economic Situation

Are you tired of hearing the same thing on the news–companies are closing or laying off, the stock market is down, and on and on? I know I am. So when I went to a seminar Tuesday and the speaker, Willie Jolley, offered some great advice on getting through today’s economic situation, I wanted to pass it on.

1) Don’t panic. When you panic, your ability to make good decisions diminish.

2) Don’t willingly participate. Do the opposite of the naysayers and you will achieve different

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