Time Hop: The Evolution of the Staffing Industry

By Kristen Harris A relatively new industry, the current concept of “staffing” has only been around for several decades. Even so, it’s evolved over that time. Let’s jump in the way back machine… The first temporary staffing firms started just after World War II, tapping into a growing market for part-time help. These early firms mostly focused on filling part-time or intermittent needs, especially in offices and secretarial pools. A combination of a few national firms and lots of local firms providing these services continued to grow throughout the 1950s

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People Like Us

Why We Started a Business By Catherine Lang-Cline Two graphic designers start a business, but it’s not a graphic design business. That is, we don’t design anything. The people we work with are the creatives and we just decided to help everyone find each other. People like us, in the creative industry, know the challenges of finding great help. We also know the challenges of finding a place where we are happy to do our craft. Speaking for myself, I started out in a production role. Then did graphic design,

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WOW! We’ve been in business for more than 12 years. We love being in Columbus — check out 12 reasons we’re unique and make a difference in our community. We’d love to get to know you!

1. This business was started by two women, Catherine Lang-Cline and Kristen Harris, that graduated together from the LBrands boot camp.  2. We believe in serving the community, so we get involved. There are a number of boards that members of our team belong to, and have been for years. Such as, Greater Columbus Arts Council, Columbus Chamber of Commerce, American Marketing Association, Columbus Society of Communication Arts (and more!)  3. Our clients are always given very customized service. Mostly because creative is unique and we recognize that.  4. Our

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Creative Recruiter Opening at Portfolio

Portfolio Creative is hiring.

The Assistant Creative Recruiter will be focused on supporting associate and client relationships for our staffing and recruiting agency. This role requires an outgoing personality, excellent written and verbal communication skills, strong attention to detail, and a passion for working with creative people. Marketing, advertising or design industry experience and/or knowledge are a major plus.

What we do:

Portfolio Creative specializes in connecting clients with the finest creative talent. We offer short-term staffing, long-term contract work, full-time recruiting, payroll and other

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New Twitter Info

As part of our brand re-launch, Portfolio Creative is now tweeting under the username Portfolio_is_


We’ve always been active on Twitter, but now it’s easier for the whole team to contribute news, information and tidbits. See you out on the interwebs…

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Portfolio Creative Staffing to Rebrand

Portfolio Creative has issued the following press release:

Portfolio Creative Staffing to Rebrand

(COLUMBUS, OH) – Portfolio Creative Staffing, the nation’s 326th fastest growing company as ranked by Inc. magazine, will change its name to Portfolio Creative as of September 1, 2009. The name change will be accompanied by a new logo as part of a rebrand strategy aimed at better communicating the firm’s evolving services.

“While our focus will continue to be on temporary staffing of creative professionals, we also offer things like direct hire services, recruiting

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The Columbus Dispatch shares Portfolio Creative news

Portfolio Creative is in the news. Check out today’s Columbus Dispatch Business section (pages A10-11) for a feature story entitled, “Moving Fast“. The article reveals five Columbus based companies that made the Inc. 500 list of the nation’s 500 fastest-growing companies. We’re proud to hold the 326th spot and keep company with some really great local businesses that are growing and creating jobs.
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Portfolio Creative featured in Business First

Check out last Friday’s Business First of Columbus for an exclusive report on Portfolio Creative. The article shares our future plans for growth and new services that we’ll be offering the creative community here in Columbus and possibly other cities nationwide. Big things are happening for us, and we thank Business First for reporting our exciting changes to their loyal and business savvy readers!
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